Friday, December 13, 2013

Photoshop Andy Warhol

We are going to play with your face using Adobe Photoshop. In this assignment, you are going to learn about basic photo editing and maniulation techniques while creating a multi- image "Andy Warhol" like piece.

First research Andy Warhol. Find a portrait and post it to your blog. Find some information about him and write interesting points about him, his work, and the significance of his work in your own words.

Then we need a photo of you- we will take photos in class of you.
We are going to learn about basic Photoshop Techniques:
  1. Basic tool bar functions.
  2. Sizing and cropping an image. 3 in x 3 in @ 300 dpi.
  3. How to adjust exposure- Image- Adjustments- Levels.
  4. Filters: Find Edges, Posterize, Cut Out, Brush Strokes, Artistic,
  5. Image- Adjustment techniques: Invert, Hue & Saturation, Posterize, Replace Colour
  6. and several combinations of the filters and adjustments.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

InDesign Promo Design

In Adobe InDesign-
Create a Public Transit Ad. There are several sizes to choose from or consider. Choose one of the following dimensions.
  1. Inside of bus- 12" x 36" horizontal
  2. Outside of bus- 24" x 72" horizontal
  3. Bus Stop- 48" x 84" vertical
You are to transfer your business idea into an advertisement. First you should take into account the place where it will be displayed and who your target audience is. Then you will need consider how to sell your business. You will need a catchy heading, identifying graphic and some information. Finally, your design should suite the business, be unique and eye catching, and also fit the format and the space where it will be displayed.