Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Class Blog

We are going to brainstorm and keep track of ideas through a blog. Here are the steps to start your own blog.
If you have a Gmail account already follow these steps:
  1. Go to Google and sign in.
  2. Go to Blogger create new blog.
  3. Follow the steps to naming and set up your style ie Billy's Blog, or Mary's Designs.
  4. Then email your blog address to me to dusher@sd35.bc.ca 
If you don't have a Gmail account Follow these steps:
  1. Google> "Blogger- Create new Blog"
  2. sign in with the following information
  3. login: lfasdesign11.12@gmail.com            password: lfas1234
  4. Create Blog
  5. I will give a demonstration
  6. Email your blog address to me
Ask if you need help. Good luck and happy blogging!
When you have finished setting up your blog, you can start the Elements of Design assignment:
  1. Start your first entry to your blog: Elements of Design list the five elements and add your found examples, could be the ones from yesterday, or new ones.
  2. Elements of design are: Line, Shape, Texture, Colour, Form.

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