Monday, November 20, 2017

CSS- Cascading Style Sheets

Style Sheets

STYLE Sheets: A type of template file consisting of font and layout settings to give a standardized look to web based documents. Design attributes are embedded in the STYLE Sheet so the whole document takes on a specific intended look. A STYLE sheet can be either Local, Internal, or External.

Anatomy of a style sheet:

Different Types of Style Sheets
  1. Local Style Sheets: Information goes within the HTML tags like this for example
    "P STYLE"=
  2. Internal Style Sheets: Information goes in the "HEAD" " /HEAD" tags and also between "STYLE" "/STYLE"  tags.
  3. External Style Sheets: Information is saved on a separate document and attached to each sheet via a link within the HEAD tag.

Learn CSS with the Code Academy:

Here are a few attribute links:

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